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Google To Fix Bug In News Tab By December 1 | T&G Web Solutions

Google is the most preferred search engine by  Best SEO Company Calgary, considering that it is the most used one on the internet right now. Not only that, but its algorithm is extremely accurate and can help out users in getting what they are actually searching for.

This also means that a simple bug in Google can affect millions of businesses all over the world.

Recently, Google confirmed that there is a bug, which is affecting the search results through Google News, and we at Best SEO Service Calgary can confirm this. 

The good news is that Google SearchLiaison announced on Monday, November 29, 2021, via Twitter that the issue will be fixed on or after December 1, 2021.

The issue allowed non-news content to get promoted on Google News search results.

What’s The Bug? 

Google SearchLiaison stated in the tweet that users would have to go through a number of steps to produce the “bleed-through” of nonnews search results while using Google News.

They said that users would have to carry out a search in Google News while adding quotation marks plus including the search results by dates and then sorting the search results by date. 

This simple error allowed non-news-related articles to show up on the results feed.

Google To Fix Bug In News Tab

Google To Fix Bug In Google News Tab On Or After December 1 

Google SearchLiaison confirmed the bug and said that the issue should be resolved by December 1 or a couple of days later.

They said in a tweet:

We’ve identified a bug where searching with quotes while using the news tab and sorting by date would return content from across the web, not just news-related content. We’re releasing a fix for this tomorrow, so it should be resolved by Dec. 1 or a few days after.

Source tweet

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