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How Coronavirus Pandemic Is Affecting IT Businesses

The coronavirus pandemic is affecting all sorts of businesses, especially the ones that are non-essential. Since most of the countries have gone in lockdown, non-essential businesses such as parlours, IT businesses, and many more, have been forced to stop offering their services. this means that there are high chances that they might go bankrupt once the pandemic is over.

The best example of how businesses are being affected by the pandemic is when Amazon, one of the largest business organizations in the world, has stopped offering non-essentials.

 In a statement that was released by Amazon, they said:

“We are temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies, and other high-demand products coming into our fulfilment centres so we can more quickly receive, restock, and deliver these products to customers. We understand this is a change for our selling partners and appreciate their understanding.”

When it comes to IT Businesses, everything relies on the internet, however, if non-essential businesses that are relying on the services of IT companies are being ordered to shut down, the chances are high that IT companies will see fewer sales.

Services such as web development, application development, SEO, digital marketing, and other marketing services that are being offered by IT companies are going to be affected in huge ways.

Like what we said, if non-essential companies that are linked with IT companies are closing down due to the fast spread of the virus, they will be failing to pay the services that are being offered to them, making both under pressure and in-debt.

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Focus on the facts
  • Communicate regularly with employees and stakeholders
  • Stabilize supply chains
  • Make short-term and long-term plans
Coworkers work creative studio.Producers meeting,working new project.Young business crew with startup.Laptop computer on wood table,creative idea presentation.Blurred,film effect.Horizontal

The best way to keep everything together is by talking with your employees and asking for financial help with the government.

Remember, small businesses can apply for COVID-19 wage subsidy in Canada.

Why T&G WebSolutions? T&G WebSolutions is the best mobile application development, Web Design Calgary and SEO services provider in Calgary that could help you in increasing your sales amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Our Web Developer Calgary services have helped countless companies in increasing their sales and in making their services digital. To know more about how we can help you, contact us on the number below or send us an email so one of our experienced staff can call you right away. One of our experienced staff will call you!