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How To Make Your Website Faster | T&G Web Solutions

Having a website alone is not enough, you need to make sure it works on all types of technologies that there are, and you have to make sure that they are loading in a fast manner, considering no one wants to wait for a prolonged period of time.

While you’re getting your website developed by the Best website design services in Calgary, you want to prioritize a fast-loading website.

But what are the things that you can do to make it faster?

Below, Website Design and Development services Calgary will be listing down some of the things that you can do on your own to make your website a bit faster.

3 Things You Can Do To Make Your Website Faster

  • Reduce Image Sizes

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are not uploading heavy images on your website, considering that they can make your website loading speeds slower because of the obvious fact that the image size is pretty big. Try to go with a picture that has a lower size and resolution to avoid any slow loading speeds.

  • Don’t Upload Videos

Another thing that you need to do is make sure that no one is uploading videos directly on your website, especially if you are using a WordPress website. Instead of uploading the videos right on your website via your own player, try to upload them on YouTube or other video streaming websites and just post that link on your website so you can save a lot of storage and can keep the loading speeds pretty fast.

  • Reduce The Number Of Plugins You Are Using

The last thing that we would suggest you do is to remove the unnecessary plugins that you have installed on your website to make it more “useful”, considering that it is affecting the overall speed of your website in a very big way. The more plugins that you are going to add, the more code your website would have to load, which can lead to slower loading speeds. Try to keep in mind that plugins are a way of adding code without writing it yourself. So, try to remove the ones that you don’t need.

Did we miss out on anything on the things that you can do to make your website faster? Leave a comment in the comments section below about the things that we missed out on so we can update the blog as soon as possible!