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Things to Think About Before Getting a New Website Designed 

Website Development Services Calgary

T&G Web Solutions provides its clients with extraordinary website development services in Calgary. And over a decade of service, our team of web developers has become well-versed with what it takes to design a flawless website for those who strive to operate online.

Organizations frequently ask what their basic considerations should be before planning a new website. Here’s a rundown of the most common responses:

  1. Purpose Of Your Website: 

A website’s purpose, like a mission statement, explains why the site exists in the first place. The main aim of the site will eventually inform design and content decisions, whether it is for education, advocacy, service offering, community organization, or other purposes.

  1. Identifying Target Audiences: 

“Who is your target audience?” is the next question to ask. Every person in the room has to put a view forward. While we see the reasoning behind your response, it’s a basic reality that you can’t build for “everyone” (which is why there are so many various types of automobiles, clothing, computers, and other technologies). The site is more likely to achieve your organization’s goals if you identify and design for your top two audiences.

  1. The Site’s Motto:

It’s good that people do realize who they want to visit their website, but the most crucial thing to give a thought to is “what action do you want your target audience to take?”, like “do you want them to buy something?”, “Donate?” or what. Once the aim is decided, it becomes easier to figure out what type of website would it look like?

  1. A user-friendly, responsive design:

When a website’s design automatically resizes to match the screen size on which it’s being viewed, it is known as responsive design. Unfortunately, retrofitting an old site with responsiveness may be tricky, and it’s usually more cost-efficient to conduct a total re-design. Those days are long gone when companies had to have two separate websites – one for desktop surfing and another for mobile viewing.

  1. Use Original & Fresh Content:

Consider what would happen if a shop never updates its stock. After your initial visit, why would you want to come back? We frequently revisit them because there are always fresh stock and items to view. If we know the material on a website will change and there will be new content for us to view, we return to it. Create a content plan for your website that will keep visitors coming back.

  1. Basic Features Available For Users: 

Donation buttons, online forms, embedded video or podcasts, online quizzes, social media buttons/integration, and all manner of gadgets and widgets are examples of features that make a site active and entertaining. For the purpose of a more cohesive design, it’s critical to figure out as many of them as possible ahead of time. (As opposed to later realizing you really needed social network buttons but don’t know where to put them without deleting or squashing other features.)

  1. Search engine optimization (SEO).

As per Google, a search engine is used by 48% of Internet users to begin their online experience. This implies you’ll need to make sure your site is search engine friendly. While there are organizations that specialize in SEO, their services are usually out of reach for most businesses. Fortunately, there are many SEO chores that you (or your web developer) can complete on your own.

  1. Website Upkeep:

The cost of site design and development, as well as continuing site maintenance fees, are the two primary expenditures connected with a website design project. Site design is usually a one-time expense. Depending on the developer, site upkeep might vary substantially. Another aspect of site maintenance to consider ahead of time is who will be in charge of maintaining your site once it goes live. Will that person be in charge of uploading material created by others, or will that person be in charge of everything?

If you’ve gotten this far, we hope you’ll find this list useful for your next website project!