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5 Signs That Your Website Needs Redesigning

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In the current business landscape, it is very important to have a responsive website design that attracts customers. After all, it is the first impression that people have about your website. So, in order to make it more customer-friendly and lucrative, the focus must be put more on website design. In this mobile-dominating world, all websites now have to get a mobile-friendly platform that functions well on desktops and smartphones. 

Like mobile responsiveness, there are also other important factors too which are needed to be employed to make any website more conversion-driven and revenue-generating. Apart from this, the web design Calgary experts also at times must check the functionality as well as its responsiveness to know if the website is able to generate enough customers or not. Here in this blog, we will tell you what are the potential signs that your website needs new architecture. 

Let’s get to know 


  • If your website does not have a high bounce rate 

Bounce rate is the most important metric when it comes to examining the performance of your website. If it has a bounce rate of 56%, then this could be an indication that it is difficult to navigate or can face technical errors. The bounce rate is calculated by dividing the number of single-page sessions by the number of total sessions on your website. 

  • Your website loads slowly 

All websites must have a fast user experience for their success. As per the study conducted by Google, 53% of visitors abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Apart from this, a slow website speed can also badly impact the SEO performance of the website as well. So, for the best results, a web designer must employ tactics to make websites run smoothly. 

  • Your website has broken links  

If your website has more broken links then it can be detrimental to your website’s overall performance. Broken links are also known as dead links which not only lead to a higher bounce rate but these also negatively impact your website’s SEO ability. It means when we click on a link for more information on the website, it leads to the page that shows the dreaded 404 error page. 

  • When your website is difficult to navigate 

Slow navigation can also adversely impact the performance of your web platform. When your website does not run smoothly or the users are facing difficulty in scrolling it or opening its pages, then it means that your website needs a new design that has a user-friendly interface. 

So, it’s crucial for your website to have a fast navigation that encourages customers to visit it more. 


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  • If it is not mobile-friendly 

As per the reports of 2021, it has been analyzed that the more the website is mobile-responsive, the more it will generate customers. It means that now people rely mostly on mobiles for visiting websites and for shopping. So, if your website is not mobile-friendly, then it’s high time to redesign it. 


Final Words 

So, if you are facing any of the above-mentioned issues, then you must go for changing your old website design. The main aim of our website is to entice our customers to visit it more and more and for that one needs a customer-friendly web design Calgary services. Therefore, apart from making your website look appealing, update it periodically and try to make it function seamlessly.