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Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

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The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a government plan to help small and medium-sized businesses use new digital technology. It also creates job opportunities for young Canadians. The government has announced it will invest $4 billion in the program for four years. CDAP helps SMEs catch up with big companies that are online. It gives financial support and guidance to adopt digital tools so that businesses can grow and compete in the digital world. The program also helps young Canadians find work and gain digital skills. CDAP aims to make Canada a leader in the digital economy.

How Much Funding Is Each Territory Getting? 

Source: Canada.ca

Canada Digital Adoption Program’s Grant Assessment Tool

Find out which grant is right for you by clicking here

Are CDAP Applications Open? 

If you’re planning to apply for stream 1, you would have to complete the assessment tool and, if you are deemed eligible, contact local service providers in your province to apply for the grant.

When it comes to Stream 2, it is a different process. You would have to start with an initial application and assess your business’s digital readiness using the Digital Needs Assessment (DNA). Then, choose a digital advisor from CDAP’s Digital Advisor Marketplace, agree on terms and pricing, wait for your digital adoption plan, and submit it for the grant payment.

CDAP applications are open now for both streams and if you’re trying to find someone to help you, you can reach out to us! 

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Eligible Applicants 

Eligible applicants for the program can apply alone or partner with other organizations. They must be Canadian organizations that are not-for-profit and incorporated either federally or provincially. Eligible entities include:

  • Business and entrepreneur support organizations
  • Research hubs
  • Innovation hubs 
  • Indigenous organizations
  • Provincial/Territorial Crown corporations
  • Agencies
  • Entities created by provincial/territorial governments or ministries
  • Business accelerators or incubators,
  • Consortia of non-profit and for-profit organizations, with the not-for-profit organization as the lead.

Source: Canada.ca

Ineligible Applicants 

Ineligible applicants for the program include for-profit organizations. While a private organization can be a partner in an application, it cannot be the lead partner. Only not-for-profit organizations are eligible to be the lead partner in the application process.

We Can Help You Get This Grant! 

T&G Web Solutions is your ideal partner to help you secure the CDAP grant for your business. With our expertise and experience in digital adoption and grant applications, we can guide you through the entire process smoothly.

Our team understands the specific requirements and criteria of the CDAP program, ensuring that your application meets all the necessary standards. We will work closely with you to assess your business’s digital readiness, complete the assessment tool, and prepare a compelling application.

As a reliable partner, we will leverage our knowledge of the program’s guidelines to maximize your chances of success. From identifying suitable project activities to creating a strong proposal, T&G Web Solutions is committed to presenting your business in the best possible light.

Let us take the burden off your shoulders, making the application process hassle-free and increasing your likelihood of receiving the CDAP grant. 

Feel free to contact us today! Let’s work together to accelerate your business’s digital transformation and growth with the Canadian Digital Adoption Program.