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Some Facts That You Need To Know About Email Marketing

Email marketing has helped a lot of people in increasing the sales of their business and in increasing the viewers on their website. In this age of modern technology, emails are still a thing, despite the fact that messengers and instant messages are available now.

However, emails are more business related and are more formal. Not only that, they allow you to send out flyers and links to multiple people without getting flagged.

For those that do not know, it is proven that emails that have a personalized subject line have 26 percent more chance to be opened than emails that have normal and generic subjects. There are more things that you need to know about email marketing, and that’s what we are going to do in this blog.

10   Facts That You Need To Know About Email Marketing

  1. 196 billion emails are sent out every single day.
  2. 85 percent of the retailers in America believe email marketing is one of the most cost effective and most effective customer acquisition method in the marketing right now.
  3. Emails are proven to convert 3 times better than social media.
  4. 91 percent of social media users check their email every single day.
  5. Emails are mostly open within 1 hour after they are sent to a person.
  6. Automated email messages average 70.5 percent higher open rates and 152 percent higher click through rates than business marketing messages.
  7. Emails are 6 times likely to get a click-through compared to a tweet.
  8. Business professionals and potential buyers prefer to receive promotional content through email.
  9. Email marketing allows you to promote articles, blog posts, and other content.
  10. Email marketing does a great job in increasing link shares.

Email marketing is still considered by many as one of the most efficient and cost-effective way to promote a business, products, or services. As of writing this article, there are over 4 billion email users in the entire world. Each email user has 1 to 3 email addresses, and it is proven that email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media when it comes to customer acquisition.

Why T&G Web Solutions?

T&G Web Solutions is one of the best SEO, graphic design Calgary, and Digital Marketing agency that offers email marketing services at the best prices. Our services can help you increase your sales and ROI in the best manner. To know more about how we can help you, contact us on the number below! We also offer Responsive Web Design Calgary.