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Top Website Header Designs Tips That You Must Know

Research shows that any website can generate and retain customers on the basis of website design like how it attracts and appeal to customers. From the moment a customer lands on the web page, he formulates an image of the brand in his mind by just scrolling through the website. 

Customers first put sight on the website’s header design or a majority of people develop a positive image of the website looking at it’s header. It has been analyzed in the research that the most valuable section of a website is the content placed above the fold. So, every website builder must take into account amazing ways to supercharge the website headers in order to make their website more lucrative and revenue-driven. For this, they can also hire impeccable web design Calgary services. 

Here in this blog post, we will teach you how one can compose a website header that is guaranteed to impress and convert customers. Let’s see those suggestions 


  • Pick the Right Hero Image 

It means choosing for your website layout the right picture that will align with your brand image. The hero image must be aesthetic and reflect your brand in a positive light. There is no particular formula for selecting this particular envision for your website, only you will have to select the design as per how you see your website service. 


  • The Value Proposition  

The second most important thing to keep in account is the value proposition. When you finalize the hero image of your brand, the next thing to do is to make an elevator pitch. It means how you will convey your brand message to the customers concisely and in the right balance. The message must be sufficiently impressive, truthful, and believable. 




  • Simple and Relevant 

It’s pertinent that the value proposition of a website be eye-catching and effective but it must not be cute or clever. The brand proposition must be simple and relevant to the service that you will deliver to the customers. Such as if a website is about ultimate meal plans, then the value proposition can be, “ Meal plans made simple” or “ Customized Meal Plans at your service.”


  • Navigation 

When thinking about the accurate website design feature, then keep in mind that the design contributes to good UX and UI. The navigation must be easy and smooth for your website menu so that customers find it easy to scroll properly through your website. A well-designed and user-oriented navigation menu is an absolute must for your web platform to drive success. 


  • Website Header Must Differentiate From Your Competitors 

As value proposition is guaranteed to drive conversions for your website, don’t forget that the website header can also help you draw customers if it is unique and showcase your product’s true worth. One must use the website header to differentiate one’s brand from the brand competitors. 


The Takeaway

Headers are frequently treated as an afterthought, despite the fact that they are an important piece of information on your website that attracts customers. So, always keep in mind these crucial website header design factors for your business to generate great conversions. One can also hire a professional web design Calgary services for creating an optimal website header layout and for the best results, contact TNG web solutions experts.