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Why Is SEO Important For Start-Ups | T&G Web Solutions

During your research on “How to improve your reach on the internet” you have probably read the word “SEO”, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, right?

If you have, you’re probably wondering what it is and why it is important for start-up companies that are trying to make it in this generation.

Good thing is that you got the Best SEO Company Calgary on your side and we are going to explain everything to make things easier for you.

But before we start, what exactly is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines. It mainly targets SEO unpaid traffic.

But why is it important?

To answer that question, Best SEO Service Calgary will be listing down some of the most basic reasons why SEO is beneficial for start-ups.

4 Reasons On Why SEO Important For Start-Ups

1 Better reach

The most obvious one, the reach.

With SEO, you are likely to get more reach because you are targeting the people that are actually looking for your services, not just random people on the internet.

This is also better for you because you have a higher chance of converting those users into customers and even clients in the future.

Why Is SEO Important For Start-Ups

2 Targeted users

Like what we mentioned above, SEO allows you to reach targeted users, but how is this possible?

Well, with SEO, marketing agents can use the following things to target users that they ought to reach:

  • Their search keywords
  • Their search history
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Location

3 Long-Lasting Results

Yep, this one is the main reason why we want you to get it!

With SEO, you are going to get long-lasting results, considering that you are ranking your website or web pages on certain highly searched keywords. Once you hit the top, you are going to stay there for a pretty long time, however, you need to make sure that you do not opt-out from the SEO services, considering that your website might rank down on those keywords.

4 Affordable

Unlike traditional marketing campaigns such as banner printing, radio ads, and billboards, SEO is pretty affordable. Depending on what you’re going to get, you can get a plan from $500 to $1000 per month. But the prices may be more, considering that you might have more demands.

Did we miss out on anything in the list above? Let us know what we missed out on by leaving a comment in the comments section below!